Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My first ever blog!!

Ok, so it's not exactly my first ever. I have posted one or two on Myspace in the past, technically it wouldn't be the first, but, since Facebook is the new Myspace, and well, frankly, Twitter is the new Facebook, I'm done posting anything on Myspace, a note on Facebook is entirely to difficult to write using my Blackberry, and well, this is already over 140 characters, so you and I both know that I can't tweet about it. That being said, welcome to Karen's World. More than likely, if you are reading this, you have to (for whatever reason) have some reason to want to know what I have to say. I'll start with American Idol. While I though they should have made last night's show a latin music theme with it being Cinco de Mayo and all & because I know Kris or Danny could've killed it singing Frankie J's "No Es Amor", it seems they settled for the Rock theme to cater to who the American Idol producers obviously trying to position for the final two: none other than Adam and Allison. I don't think Allison is that bad, but I have a hard time believing she would sell any records. Adam on the other hand, I will openly admit, I cannot stand listening to. Last night was perfect for him, giving him the open opportunity to do all the shrieks and screams that he's become known for in this competition. I'm hoping that with the amount of them that he put into that Led Zepplin song last night it will secure him in the bottom 2 position as it did last week, but I don't have too much confidence in that. I'll be honest. I didn't hear Danny or Kris' solos but I did enjoy their duet. I actually agreed with the judges in saying their voices blended beautifully together. If it was a perfect world, they would be my final 2, not because I'm a huge Kris fan, but because it would secure the win for my boy, Danny Gokey. I mean, Kris is a good singer and he loves Jesus, so I like him, but Danny is by far my favorite. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times. Danny may have a lot of baggage, but I've got just the dolly to carry it. I'm just saying. Anyway, I know you're probably wondering how I missed their solo perfomances last night. I didn't get a chance to watch the show. I had to work late last night and had made plans to go to dinner with friends in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, one of my favorite holidays. I don't know what we're celebrating that day, but for me, it's Mexican food coming to the US. In fact I had it twice yesterday, but, I digress. I heard half of the show on the radio on my way to Superior Grill, and got out of my car just after my boys did their duet. I had planned to watch the rest when I got home, but my Macroeconomic final had to be taken online by 11:30pm and since I didn't get home until 10pm I thought it better to do the final. I'll watch the others tonight when I get home from work. So...what did y'all think? How did they do? Who's going home tonight, and who do you pick to win?


  1. Hey karen, glad to see you on here.
    Hope you don't mind your atheist friend following you.

    Check out my blog sometime as well.

  2. I cannot stand Adam Lambert either. Kris might be going home tonight...
    Danny - was not good on that note at the end - painful - but it wasn't his genre.

    Glad you are blogging!!!

  3. You're hilarious, girl! Keep up the good work!


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